La société d’aménagement et de mobilier urbain en Ile de France
Notre Raison d’Etre – Mai 2020Espace Harmonie est la société d’aménagement et de mobilier urbain dont l’approche sociétale et environnementale de proximité offre aux citadins une meilleure qualité d’usage par la fonction, l’implantation et la gestion de ses équipements. Elle conçoit et réalise des solutions innovantes de confort, de sécurité, de propreté et d’hygiène pour aménager le bienêtre des espaces publics et privés afin de favoriser le lien social et humain comme acteur de la ville durable
Rodolphe DUGON – Président et l’Equipe d’Espace Harmonie
The company for urban development and street furniture
Since 1974, Espace Harmonie is a Paris area leading company for urban development and street furniture who designs, realizes and manages urban spaces for public authorities and private facilities. In collaboration with designers, architects, landscape architects and design offices, with selected partners, we develop guidelines coordinated multi-material solutions to develop green spaces and streets, encourage waste sorting and secure parking for two-wheelers. Real Player of the city, with the construction and landscape companies, our team is involved in the development of a new urban space, that we want accessible and sustainable.
The qualities of a street equipment use
Our business is not limited to sell, or prescribing a catalog furniture but to enter a qualitative approach geared towards the expectations of users. For Espace Harmonie, it is to review the suitability between the function and implementation of the equipment without forgetting to take into account the constraints related to its management. The different types of users naturally find their place in the centre of the circle of our concerns, all the criteria related to good practices combine in our approach to field, in particular through a thorough diagnosis and critical proposals.
The provision of a comprehensive service
Street furniture is subject to a more genuine attention, both for the owners and creators: it participates in the success of the city planning operation of our clients:
Public communities
Funders of housing
Shopping malls
Transport agenciesEspace Harmonie comes upstream with the powers of his study office to create and then phase construction by preparatory work and installation, finally, thanks to the efficiency of its service, our technicians guarantee monitoring and regular monitoring of achievements.
Resolutely turned towards the future and innovation, with now 40 years of experience, Espace Harmonie wishes to contribute to the improvement of the framework of life and uses by meet the horizontal vision of the city dweller seeking immediately the security and comfort with the more vertical vision of the urban planner who imagines the city of tomorrow.Espace Harmonie
Immeuble Onyx
10, rue Marc Bloch
92110 Clichy (France)
Tel : 33.(0)
Nouveauté 2023 – Carte de géolocalisation de nos références

Tri des déchets ménagers

Stationnement des 2 roues

Mobilier Urbain Metalco
